Home is where the heart is…

I’ve been thinking on this idea of what we call “home”. Even the dictionary has several meanings for this word. Some of these include …”a structure(house, apartment, shelter of any kind) used for residency for people”…. “members of a household together where one lives permanently”. However, the definition I connect with the most is …”a place in which ones domestic affections are centered”.

I was thinking through this word, “home”, this weekend as I drove back to the place we moved away from six months ago. I was wondering why I have such strong affections for being there and why I don’t have the same feelings when I am at my new “home” or even in the city I was raised in, which I lived in most of my life. That’s when I discovered my definition of home.

To me, home is where I am most loved, where there are people who want to do life with me through the hard and messy times and also through the good and fruitful times. A place I will always find people who care enough to seek me out to love on me or to ask hard questions. A place where I can be me and not fear being rejected and the people that were apart of the amazing things God has done in my life. A breath of fresh air kind of place.

I can’t say that this place was always this way for me. It took time to establish relationships and opportunities of doing things together in order for this feeling of “home” to be so strong. There were hard moments of tension, rejection, and fear that tried to stop this place from being home to me, but yet, this is the very place that feels the most like home right now.

This doesn’t mean that my new “home” won’t ever have this feeling. I need to allow time to bring about the connections and opportunities. I need to not focus how uncomfortable I may feel, but give thanks to God for the amazing people He has for me to meet and do life with. I need to not compare but seek out the new path God has for me in this new city. I need to trust my Father in heaven like Jesus trusted him. No doubt. Ever.

God’s Word says to “seek FIRST the Kingdom of God” (Matt. 6:33) This definition of “home” that I have, also extends to the home my Heavenly Father has for me. In my time with Him, I can relax with Him and am accepted;feelings of love and joy surround me. He loves His time with me and I love being with Him. In this time of transition, I will hold on to this “home” with my Papa God and let it be what sustains me.
My heart is at home in Him.

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