Let Go, Release it…

Let Go, Release

God has given me the privilage of helping a young mom out during the week. She has a little one who is nine months old and she is dealing with a challenging pregnacy with her second child. I love helping and encouraging her on this journey, even with all it’s bumps and hurdles.

Yesterday we were all sitting around chatting and she gave her nine month old a “babies” cheeto snack. You know, those snacks that dissolve easily in their mouths. The little one ate all the way down to her clutched hand and then thought it was all gone, so she signaled she wanted another one. Watching her, my immediate response was, “Open up, let go and relase what you have”.  As soon as those words left my mouth my thoughts went to how I do the same thing. If I would open up and let go of me, my ideas, my fears, God could continue what He is doing in me and through me. In letting go, I would realize He has given me all I need. I’m hanging on to myslef too much. There’s a treasure to be found when I let go and release trusting He has this.

While I’m processing it all, my daughter looks at me and says, “That was deep”. Here’s her post from yesterday…”

  “Watching this little one snack on a cheeto like substance earlier, she ate down to what was left, of  which she was clenching. Her immediate response was more, because she didn’t realize she had some left in her hand. My mom told her “open up, and release”. I turned to my mom and said “that was deep”. How often do we cry out to God for more when He’s trying to show us that if we just open up & release, we’ll have the fullness of what He already gave us.  Something to chew on this Monday.”

I love how Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts right where we are. The take away my daughter had from this moment in time was slightly different then my own. We are both at different places with different needs, and He met us right where we were to love and encourage us. I also love that it was at the exact same time. The look on our faces gave it away. The Lord was speaking to our hearts and breathing His life into us to keep us moving forward.  He is with us in the “every day” life events if we will just open our eyes and hearts to receive.

John 14:26   But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you. (AMP)

Thank you Jesus for coming to give us back right relationship with our Father in Heaven.

Thank you for sending Holy Spirit to teach us and remind us of your love and truths!